2017 News Releases
- November 8 - Gov. Rauner congratulates volunteers at Hometown Awards
Awards Governor’s Cup to Macon County - November 3 - AmeriCorps Funds Now Available from Serve Illinois
Grants designed to improve and strengthen Illinois communities - August 24 - 2017 Governor’s Hometown Awards
Ceremony at the Old State Capitol November 8, 2017 - August 8 - Serve Illinois Announces $17.5 Million For AmeriCorps Programs
39 programs will place more than 1,600 AmeriCorps Members in 65 counties - July 19 - Governor’s Hometown Awards
Application Deadline August 1 - June 2 - Now Accepting Applications for Governor’s Hometown Awards
Recognition program applications due August 1st - April 19 - Illinoisans Receive Governor’s Volunteer Service Award
Annual Awards Ceremony to be Held on April 25th in Springfield - March 7 - Illinois Celebrates AmeriCorps Week
March 4-11, 2017 designated as a week to recognize 2,600 volunteers - February 10 - State Seeks Nominations For Governor’s Volunteer Service Awards
Winners honored at a special ceremony at the Old State Capitol - January 11- Volunteers Across Illinois Set To Make Martin Luther King Day A “Day On, Not A Day Off” Illinois also seeking nominations for the Governor’s Volunteer Service Awards