Community Resources
10th Annual Volunteer Managers Hybrid Conference
Attention nonprofit and government leaders, staff members, volunteer resource coordinators, directors, and managers--this conference is for YOU!
Join HandsOn Suburban Chicago on October 23 at the Forest View Educational Building in Arlington Heights for a one day hybrid conference that will equip you with the skills and knowledge to use modern technology, such as artificial intelligence, to improve your volunteer program while maintaining the human aspect that is key to any volunteer experience. Designed for those who engage volunteers, service delivery programs, and nonprofits, this one-day training event features three internationally renowned speakers. This conference is for leaders in nonprofit and government, and their staff.
For more information and to register, go to
HandsOn Suburban Chicago Operations and Grants Manager Position Available
About the Organization:
HOSC mobilizes people to lend their time, talents, and voices to increase the capacity of nonprofits and schools and drive change in 44 suburban communities. HOSC refers volunteers to 100+ community partners and harnesses the power of volunteerism to benefit at-risk students, enable vulnerable populations to age in their homes, and improve communities by providing critical resources to high-needs populations. HOSC partners with nonprofits, schools, and government bodies, providing services to underserved populations, including victims of violence, the disabled, veterans, seniors, youth, and those needing food, shelter, mental health services, and other vital assistance.
IL Recovery Corps
Recovery Corps Supports People in Recovery in Three Ways
Recovery Corps expands access to needed care and promotes the recovery of individuals working to overcome substance use disorders.
1: Peer Support
Navigators provide peer support to help others achieve their goals and increase their recovery capital.
2: Capacity Building
Project Managers help organizations thoughtfully address the opioid epidemic.
3: Career Pipeline
Members complete training and career development to prepare for careers in recovery and human services.
Attention nonprofit and government leaders, staff members, volunteer resource coordinators, directors, and managers--this conference is for YOU!
Join HandsOn Suburban Chicago on October 23 at the Forest View Educational Building in Arlington Heights for a one-day hybrid conference that will equip you with the skills and knowledge to use modern technology, such as artificial intelligence, to improve your volunteer program while maintaining the human aspect that is key to any volunteer experience. Designed for those who engage volunteers, service delivery programs, and nonprofits, this one-day training event features three internationally renowned speakers. This conference is for leaders in nonprofit and government, and their staff.
For more information and to register, go to