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ICOVA Request for Presenters
IDHS - Serve Illinois is pleased to announce its Illinois Conference on Volunteerism and Administration. We are seeking qualified presenters to present in an in-person format. This is a valuable experience and provides access to a diverse audience to share your content and knowledge. Presenters will be paid an honorarium of $300.00 to $500.00 based on education and professional experience.
The conference will take place on Thursday, October 10, 2024, from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM at the Crowne Plaza Chicago West Loop 25 South Halsted Street Chicago, Illinois 60661.
Event Overview
The Illinois Conference on Volunteerism and Administration (ICOVA) is a state-wide conference administered by IDHS - Serve Illinois. ICOVA offers attendees valuable collaborative experiences for volunteers and volunteer management professionals and provides opportunities for organic engagement and development of volunteer resources and national best practices. Engaged participants will leave with robust knowledge of volunteerism and administration, as well as effective strategies for creating and maintaining a motivated volunteer base.
This year, ICOVA will be a dual conference in partnership with the Volunteer Generation Fund (VGF), a fund that supports organizations that assist Americans of all ages who are looking for ways to give back and answer the call to serve. Attendees of the Illinois VGF convening can expect to acquire knowledge regarding the effective development and administration of Civics in the Classroom initiatives via the usage of VGF grants.
Presenter Content Areas
- Navigating Non-traditional Volunteer Opportunities (virtual, micro, etc.)
- Volunteerism 101: Recruitment, Engagement, and Management
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
- Social Responsibility & Civic Engagement
- Measuring Quantitative & Qualitative Volunteerism Impact
- Engaging Multigenerational Volunteers
- Illinois Specific-Civic Engagement & Impact
- Disaster Preparedness & Readiness
- Other content areas not listed above.
Please note the conference is hosted in person, presenters should have experience presenting and engaging a live audience, providing survey tools, and content development. Technical assistance will be provided leading up to and on the day of the event.
We encourage you to share your knowledge and expertise with participants at the Illinois Conference on Volunteerism and Administration!
To be considered as a presenter, please complete, and submit this form: ICOVA RFP by no later than Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at 5:00 PM.
Presenters will be notified about the status of their submissions by Friday, September 13, 2024. Thanks for your continued support of IDHS - Serve Illinois. We look forward to working with you to make the Illinois Conference on Volunteerism and Administration a huge success!