Elgin Youth Resource Fair
On Wednesday, October 16, 2024, several representatives from the FCS Office of Community and Positive Youth Development attended the Elgin Youth Resource Fair hosted by State Representative Anna Moeller. The youth-focused event focused on providing resources and information to parents and youth in the Elgin community. Staff were excited to engage with youth who were passionate about finding opportunities to connect and serve their community. IDHS-Bureau Chief, Kristen Marshall and IDHS-Program Administrator, Brandon Bax, explained the cadre of services and programs offered by the office. Teen Reach and homeless youth programming seemed to be a topic many of the attendees were interested in. IDHS Bureau Chief, Brian Johnson, used the opportunity to network with many of the vendors from the local Boys and Girls Club, YMCA, and Elgin Theatre to talk about state programming. Volunteer program manager Jacob Jenkins explained to the youth and the parents about national service, volunteerism, and the opportunities to recognize youth volunteers with awards and recognition like the Governors Volunteer Service Awards.