Little Village Environmental Justice Organization
On Saturday, July 1, 2023, Serve Illinois Executive Director Andres Fernandez, and Upstate Volunteer Programs Coordinator Cecilia Maciel Martinez visited the Little Village Environmental Justice Organization to recognize eight outstanding volunteers for their volunteerism efforts with meal delivery and the community farm. Volunteers enjoyed food, received Governor's Certificates of Appreciation, and even received fresh beets and garlic from the farm.
The mission of LVEJO is to organize with the community to accomplish environmental justice in Little Village and achieve the self-determination of immigrant, low-income, and working-class families. To learn more about LVEJO and how to volunteer with them, head to Volunteer with LVEJO | LVEJO.
Congratulations to LVEJOS efforts and the below volunteers who were recognized:
- David Hollinger
- Manuel Guzman
- Michael Sierra
- Jazmin Martinez
- Sydney Coyle
- Justin Barnes
- Jackie Kretchmer
- Gaby Garay