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National Volunteer Week 2018 Proclamation

State of Illinois Executive Department Proclamation

WHEREAS service to others is a hallmark of the American character, and throughout our history citizens have stepped up to meet our challenges by volunteering in their communities; and,

WHEREAS Illinois is blessed with men and women who selflessly dedicate their time and energy to performing acts of good will an improving the quality of life for all people; and,

WHEREAS last year, nearly 2.43 million Illinoisans gave back over 286.6 million hours to their communities; which led to over $7.3 billion dollars in impact; and,

WHEREAS more than 1 million men and women across the nation, including more than 39,000 from Illinois, have taken the AmeriCorps pledge to "get things done for America" by becoming AmeriCorps Members since 1994; and,

WHEREAS more than 13,000 Illinois seniors volunteer through Senior Corps; and,

WHEREAS in Illinois, the Serve Illinois Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service strives to improve our communities by supporting volunteer and community service efforts throughout the state; and,

WHEREAS during National Volunteer Week, service projects and special events will take place throughout Illinois and across the nation; and,

WHEREAS the annual observance of National Volunteer Week sets aside an entire week dedicated to serving others in need and honor those who volunteer all year;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that I, Bruce Rauner, Governor of Illinois, do hereby proclaim April 15-21, 2018 as National Volunteer Week in Illinois, and encourage all citizens to promote the spirit of volunteerism in our families and communities across the state. To find a volunteer opportunity or to learn more about how to recognize your volunteers, visit the Serve Illinois Commission website at or call 800-592-9896.