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News Release - March 7, 2016

News Release – Monday, March 7, 2016

Illinois Celebrates AmeriCorps Week
March 5-12, 2016 designated as a week to recognize 2,826 volunteers

SPRINGFIELD – Each year, the nation celebrates the service that thousands of Americans perform through AmeriCorps. We use this week to salute the AmeriCorps members and alums for their hard work and thank the community partners that support them.

“AmeriCorps helps hundreds of thousands of Illinoisans each year,” said Scott McFarland, Executive Director of Serve Illinois. “AmeriCorps members dedicate a year of their lives to their communities, and AmeriCorps Week is a time for the rest of us to say ‘thank you’.”

AmeriCorps provides opportunities for adults of all ages and backgrounds to serve through a network of partnerships with local and national nonprofit groups. From neighborhood cleanups and building homes to tutoring children and signing up new volunteers, Illinois’ 2,826 AmeriCorps members are celebrating by doing what they do best - serving their communities. Since 1994, more than 35,000 Illinoisans have taken the AmeriCorps pledge to “get things done for America.” Those members have given back more than 48 million hours to their communities, which equates to over $1.2 billion in impact. Over the past 22 years, AmeriCorps members have earned more than $111 million in education awards to pay for college. For every dollar the state invests in the Serve Illinois AmeriCorps program, local and federal organizations and governments invest $50. For every dollar the state invests, AmeriCorps brings in $156 worth of volunteer impact!

Illinois AmeriCorps by the Numbers

  • 2,826 AmeriCorps Members Serving
  • 33,507 Veterans and Military Family Members Served
  • 32,070 Additional Volunteers Recruited
  • 238,817 Additional Volunteer Hours
  • $7,018,416 Additional Volunteer Impact
  • 425,714 Disadvantaged Youth Receiving Services
  • 35,000 Illinoisans Served in AmeriCorps since 1994
  • 48,000,000 AmeriCorps Hours Contributed since 1994
  • $111,370,000 Earned in Education Awards since 1994
  • $1,187,520,000 Impact to Illinois Communities since 1994

The Serve Illinois Commission is a 40-member (25 voting and 15 non-voting), bi-partisan board appointed by the Governor and administered by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). Its mission is to improve Illinois communities by enhancing volunteerism and instilling an ethic of service throughout the State.

For a full listing of AmeriCorps Week activities or information on how to find a volunteer opportunity any time of the year, please visit