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Agenda - June 2, 2016

Location and Time

Illinois Department of Natural Resources
1 Natural Resources Way
Springfield, IL

Illinois Department of Public Health
122 S. Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL

Dial: 888-494-4032; Access Code: 4037150212#

1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present:

Frederick Nettles, Chair; Don Baden, Vice-Chair; Jeff Turnbull; Cynthia Sims; Dora Welker (for Superintendent Smith); John Hosteny; Anne Schuman; Jane Angelis; Jenné Myers; Matt McCabe; Debra Marton; Laura Davis; Nisan Chavkin; Jennifer Phillips; Steve Silberman; Chris Herrera; Giraldo Rosales; Julian Brown; Mandy Guinn; Barb Tubekis

Guests Present

Sara Stapleton, Corporation for National and Community Service

Staff Present

Scott McFarland, Executive Director; Mattias Ghelaidos; Mike Stehlin; Jacob Nudelman; Kelia Beck; William Coussens

Call to Order

Nettles called the meeting to order 1:05pm

Approval of the April 13, 2016 Meeting Minutes

  • Myers made a motion to approve the minutes for the commission meeting on April 13th, 2016
  • Baden seconded, the motion was agreed to by voice vote

Executive Director Report – Scott McFarland

  • Staffing
    • Two AmeriCorps Program Officer positions are in the process of being filled
      • Once the first is filled, the second will open up
      • A third position is contingent on the state budget process
  • Budget
    • Current federal pass-through runs until 6/30/16
      • Present proposals for a new bill would include Serve Illinois
    • New federal budget information is still unknown, more info in coming months
    • ‘Training and Technical Assistance’ (TTA) funds have been reinstated by CNCS,
      • These funds will involve cross-stream work with other National Service groups
      • Serve Illinois will be receiving information on its application in coming weeks
  • Audit
    • Final notification of findings to be released by 7/31/16
      • Serve Illinois will have 30 days to respond to any findings
      • McFarland voiced concern over the audit process and a lack of an onsite visit for LSSI
      • Questioned costs are expected from all sub-grantees, but once staff has negotiated corrective action with CNCS, the actual costs are expected to be minimal
  • Commission Appointments
    • Governor’s office has not made any appointments
    • Individual backgrounds and gaps in knowledge on Commission taken into account with nominees
    • Anyone with interest should contact Scott McFarland

Corporation for National and Community Service Report

  • Transition to New Administration – January 2017
    • CEO Wendy Spencer will step down, to be replaced by presidential appointment
      • General Services Administration and Partnership for Public Service will assist in transition
      • Within CNCS approximately 20 positions will be impacted
  • Adherence to Agency Policy
    • All grantees and subgrantees are aware of the specific terms and conditions of their grants, including prohibited activities
      • McFarland noted that all Illinois subgrantees have received instruction to review and reinforce conditions of their AmeriCorps grants and expectations of members
  • Upcoming CNCS Board Meeting
    • Tentative date of 6/23 or 6/24
  • Older American’s Month Report
    • Major events held May 16-20, 2016
    • $300 million federal investment has impact of $77 billion
  • Asian American-Pacific Islander Month Report
    • Chicago VISTA project “Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Chicago” highlighted by national office
  • North Central National Service Training
    • Held June 8-10, 2016 in Indianapolis
    • Serve Illinois, CNCS Chicago, and a number of Illinois program staff will be attending
  • Employers of National Service Fair
    • AmeriCorps and Peace Corps Alums welcome
    • June 21st at 3:30pm, DePaul University
  • VISTA Report
    • Request for Proposal
      • Delayed until fall of 2016 (new grants management system to be launched)
    • Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs
      • 30 VISTA Summer Associates in western IL
      • Focusing on summer learning loss and food security programs
    • The Immigration Project – VISTA member Maya Flores
      • Raised $23,500 in seven months
      • Created annual fundraising plan and combined donor bases for program
      • Developed client testimonial videos and 2015 annual report
    • Senior Corps Report
      • RSVP of Peoria and Tazewell Counties
        • Supporting research work of MSW intern
      • RSVP Tax Preparation Volunteers
        • 2015 tax year preliminary totals included 142 RSVP volunteers completing 8,337 returns, bringing $5,150,000.00 back to their communities

Commission Chair Report

  • Executive Committee – Fred Nettles
    • No Report
  • Strategic Planning Committee – Jeff Turnbull
    • Draft of the new strategic plan was sent to commissioners
      • Goal of the updated plan is to make each point measureable
      • Clarifications, edits, suggestions, or corrections should be sent to Scott McFarland
    • Suggestion was made to send the draft plan to the public for input
      • Online comment period would follow
      • Bidders conferences would be used to spread the word
    • Goal was set to have the updated plan completed by October 1, 2016
      • Voting on the plan would take place at October 2016 commission meeting
      • Final draft completed by September 1, 2016
  • Foundation Report – Debra Marton
    • Paperwork for nonprofit status to be filed on June 15, 2016
    • Next meeting of the Serve Illinois Foundation board on June 14, 2016
    • First donation coming from Brandon at the Aspen Group
    • Website:
      • Suggestion made to include link on Serve Illinois website
      • Waiting on clarification whether direct link between the two is allowable
    • Working on developing a 1-pager for sponsorship
      • Send ideas and feedback to Deb Marton
  • Volunteer Recognition Committee – Barb Tubekis
    • No Report
  • Outreach Committee – Chris Errera
    • No Report
  • Resource Development Committee – Cynthia Sims
    • No Report
  • Regional Commissioners – Anne Schuman
    • No Report

Chavkin moved to change the agenda and bring new business to the floor

  • Davis seconded, the motion was agreed to by voice vote

New Business

  • AmeriCorps Formula Funding for 2016-17 Program Year
    • McFarland presented an overview of the process
      • Request for applications sent out in August 2015
        • Bidder’s conferences followed, with applications due the following December
        • 36 applications were received
      • 18 applications were sent directly to CNCS for competitive funding
        • 8 of these applications were recompeting programs that currently receive competitive funding
        • No new applicants were sent up for competitive funding
        • Programs to be sent for competitive funding approved at Executive Committee meeting in January
        • All 8 recompeting programs received competitive funds; not included in formula consideration
      • Operation AmeriCorps program (in E. St. Louis) was funded by CNCS for Year 2
        • No plans for funding any Operation AmeriCorps programming for Year 3
    • McFarland presented three funding options based on the formula allotment given to Illinois (see handout)
      • Discussion by commissioners focused on ‘Option 3’
        • ‘Option 3’ funds 25 programs with formula allotment, including 5 new programs
    • Chavkin made a motion to accept ‘Option 3’, reducing the new programs to a maximum of 12 MSY, reducing BHicks Childcare to 8 MSY, and spreading the remaining funding to all currently funded programs by need, starting at the highest peer-review score ranking and descending. Final decision to be confirmed by the Executive Committee of the Commission and submitted to CNCS by June 24, 2016.
      • Rosales seconded, the motion was agreed to by a voice vote. Chair Nettles abstained.
    • Questions/concerns about the scoring rubric should be sent to Cynthia Sims
    • Inclusion of applicant total agency budget and number of program partner agencies requested for 2017-18 funding reports
    • Investigation requested as to why so many programs attending bidder’s conferences did not submit applications for funding

Staff Reports

  • AmeriCorps
    • 2016-19 Review
      • 2017-18 program year RFA to be completed soon
      • Monitoring of programs has been put on hold until the new AmeriCorps program officer is hired
    • Illinois Disaster Corps
      • Aim is to recruit 2-year members
      • Trainings are being revamped
      • Work is underway to have Disaster Corps codified in IEMA emergency plan Annex
    • Program Director training for the 2016-17 program year will be July 19-20, 2016
  • Volunteerism
    • Volunteerism Conferences
      • ICOVA (IL Conference on Volunteer Administration) August 10, 2016
      • NWIVC (Northwest Illinois Volunteerism Conference) October 14, 2016
    • Veterans Day of Service
      • Online database in the works for recording projects and signing up to volunteer
      • Required day of service for Serve Illinois programs
      • In the process of reaching out to statewide partners
  • Communications
    • Website/Social Media
      • McFarland presented report
      • Send any bio or social media updates to Scott McFarland
    • Newsletter
      • Next newsletter will be out soon
      • Send updates, content, and updated contact information to Jake Nudelman

Old Business

  • No Old Business


  • Chair Nettles moved to adjourn the meeting
    • Sims seconded, the motion was agreed to by voice vote
  • The meeting was adjourned at 3:55pm by Chair Nettles