Agenda - April 20, 2015
Location and Time
422 S 5th St, 1st Floor
Springfield, IL
Dial: 888-494-4032; Access Code: 4037150212#
9:00 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Call to Order
Nettles called the meeting to order at 9:06am
Approval of the February 19, 2015 Meeting Minutes
Rosales motioned to approve. Guinn seconded. Minutes approved via voice vote.
Executive Director Report
- Budget
McFarland discussed issues involving match, staffing. and DHS money being lost to DPH. Extensive talk of advocacy on getting a line item for SIC. - Staffing
McFarland continues to work to increase staffing. - Travel Reimbursements
Travel reimbursement discussion including timeliness - Operation AmeriCorps
Three applications were submitted by Illinois.
Corporation for National and Community Service Report
Hosteny gave the report. Discussed Mayors Day, Senior Corps, and the national service involvement in the Rochelle and Fairdale tornado.
Commission Chair Report
Nettles spoke about making the Lt. Governor an honorary chair. Nettles motioned to ask the Lt. Governor. Schuman seconded. Dixon motioned to amend to ask First Lady Rauner. Schuman seconded. After a discussion, the amended motion was approved via voice vote. Nettles will make the request of the First Lady.
- Executive Committee
No report. - Volunteer Recognition Committee
Tubekis gave a rundown of the Governor Volunteer Service Awards. - Outreach Committee
Errera spoke about the progress of the PSA saying it is moving forwards. He then fielded questions on the matter. - Strategic Planning Committee
No report. - Resource Development Committee
Marton spoke about the resources and development committee especially foundation work. She requested commissioner’s financial support to start a foundation. - Regional Commissioners
No report.
Staff Reports
- AmeriCoprs
- 2014-2015 Monitoring
McFarland updated commissioners on the status of monitoring visits. - Request for Applications 2015-2018
McFarland and Zellers gave an update. - Disaster Corps
- Fairdale and Rochelle Response
McFarland spoke about the future of Disaster Corps, Rochelle tornadoes and IEMA partnership. Thanks AmeriCorps St. Louis for their assistance with Volunteer Reception in Fairdale.
- Fairdale and Rochelle Response
- Volunteer Connector Development
Baden gave the update. Asking AmeriCorps Members to take a more active roll.
- 2014-2015 Monitoring
- Volunteerism
- Governor’s Volunteer Service Awards
McFarland reviewed the timeline of the Governors Awards for the commissioners. - Volunteerism Conferences
McFarland reviewed the conference schedule. - Year of the Volunteer
Angelis talked about the Year of the Volunteer and its accomplishments. Angelis urged everyone to get involved and gave a handout about YOTV.
- Governor’s Volunteer Service Awards
- Website
McFarland wrapped up with remarks on progress, website, and Chicago Cares' upcoming Serve-a-Thon.
Old Business
- Serve Illinois Foundation
Discussion tabled.
New Business
- Elected Officials Communication
Discussion tabled.
Nettles adjourned the meeting at 12:15pm