Agenda - October 20, 2015
Location and Time
IDPH – Office of Preparedness & Response
422 S 5th St – 4th Floor
Springfield, IL 62701
IDPH – Office of Preparedness & Response
122 S. Michigan – Room 711
Chicago, IL 60603
Dial: 888-494-4032; Access Code: 4037150212#
11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Commissioners Present
Chicago: Deb Marton, Laura Davis, Steve Silberman, Anne Schuman, Cynthia Sims
Springfield: Giraldo Rosales, Don Baden, John Hosteny, Jeff Turnbull, Fred Nettles, Jim Dixon
Call in: Jennifer Witzel, Merri Dee, Julian Brown, Matt McCabe, Megan Hines, Chris Errera, Howard Lathan, Amanda Guinn
Staff Present
Scott McFarland, Sue Zellers, Matthias Gheladios, Jacob Nudelman, Mike Stehlin
Guests Present
Meghan Hines, CNCS, Natalie Furlette, Campus Compact, William Coussens, UIS GPSI, Jennifer Benanti, March of Dimes
Call to Order
Nettles called meeting to order at 10:15am
Approval of the June 4, 2015 Meeting Minutes
Rosales motioned to approve minutes
Baden seconded motion to approve minutes
Minutes were approved unanimously
Executive Director Report
- Staffing
Staffing update-introduction of Gheladios (Accountant) and Coussens (GPSI) - Budget
issues with match being too low due to budget impasse, hopes to work with CNCS and IDPH to meet match requirements - Audit
Audit is ongoing. Three subgrantees and Serve Illinois are being visited - Year Review
Have not met all our goals, but showing marked improvement - hope to be fully staffed, integrated into IDPH, resource for the state in the coming year
Corporation for National and Community Service Report
Hosteny gave the report
- Continuing Resolution-Presidents FY16 asks for significant increases to AmeriCorps and CNCS
- Employers of National Service initiative is moving forward
- Veterans pinning ceremony-November 8
- Mayor and County Recognition Day is planned for April 5, 2016
- Joint programming between Vista and AmeriCorps*State programs being discussed
Commission Chair Report
- Executive Committee
No report - Volunteer Recognition Committee
Tubekis said she is working with the Governor’s PR staff, would like structural changes to awards ceremony, April 13 Old State Capitol, commissioners take lead on getting nomination forms out - Outreach Committee
Errera said moving forward on PSA, timeline- finished before the end of the year - Strategic Planning Committee
No Report - Resource Development Committee
- Regional Commissioners Sims presented the new rubric for the AmeriCorps application scoring
Commission discussed the scoring criteria and using past performance as a grading criteria for AmeriCorps programs
Marton spoke of the progress on the foundation
Program Presentation – Operation AmeriCorps
Santita Nunn of East St. Louis School District 189 reported the results of the programs self-reporting survey, said the program is doing very well but is hampered by the teacher's strike
Staff Reports
- AmeriCorps
- Monitoring: Zellers spoke of monitoring programs, said she has monitored 12 of 28 programs so far, this is better than previous years
- 2016-19 Request for Applications
McFarland spoke about the great turnout at the RFA Bidders conferences - National Service Recognition Day
Stehlin briefed commission on the logistics of National Service Recognition Day
- Volunteerism
- Volunteerism Conferences
Commissioners were provided dates for the upcoming conferences - Year of the Volunteer
Angelis gave an update on the year's activities
- Volunteerism Conferences
- Website
McFarland provided the report on website and social media activities
Old Business
- Serve Illinois Foundation
Discussion tabled - First Lady
Commission discussed involving the First Lady in future activities
New Business
McFarland thanked Commissioners for the past year
McFarland spoke of the need to get the Commission more involved in future activities, hopes to be a resource to the state
Nettles motioned to adjourn meeting at 3:15