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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

Minutes - June 3, 2014

Location and Time

401 S. Clinton St (1stFl).
Chicago, IL

815 E. Monroe St.
Springfield, IL

1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Commissioners Present

Fred Nettles, Chair; Don Baden; Barb Byrne; James Dixon; Amanda Guinn; Al Riddely; Girlado Rosales; Jeff Turnbull; Jennifer Witzel; Jane Angelis; Kathleen Blair; Julian Brown; Kathy Engelken; Jill C. Heise; John Hosteny; Nancy Jameson; Dora Welker; Beth Ford; Jenne Meyers; Anne Schuman; Barbra Tubekis; Heather Way Kitzes; Merri Dee; Robert Dwyer; Nancy Jameson; Dora Welker; Debra Marton; Lorrie Walls; Stephen Silberman; Cynthia Sims

Commission Staff Present

Brandon Bodor, Executive Director; Scott McFarland, Deputy Director; Lisa Akers, AmeriCorps Program Manager; Sue Zellers, AmeriCorps Program Office; Karla Kunzeman, Volunteer Programs Manager; Mike Stehlin, Training Officer; Lanie Cooper, Graduate Intern; Courtney Abbott, Graduate Intern; Cynthia Sandoval, Dunn Fellow; Lilliane Webb, AmeriCorps member

Guests Present


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Nettles at 1:02 pm

Approval of Meeting Minutes

Giraldo Rosales moved to accept minutes. Jenne Meyers seconded. Motion approved via voice vote.

Corporation for National and Community Service Report - Hosteny

  • The Volunteer Generation Fund NOFO opened May 30, the first t/a call is June 11, a letter of intent is due June 20 and the application deadline is July 08.
  • On June 07 A/C Director Bill Basil is travelling to Seattle to join the mayors of Denver and Seattle for the Service Bowl service project.
  • CEO Wendy Spencer is participating in the June 4 to 6 Franklin Project Summit on National Service and will be a keynote speaker at the national conference in Atlanta.
  • The Corporation board will be meet in NYC on July 30 and 31.
  • On July 30 CNCS will launch Service Works A/C, a VISTA partnership with Citi Foundation and POL. VISTA members will be placed in 10 citifies, including Chicago.
  • My Brother’s Keeper is a new initiative of the White House and is jointly administered by CNCS and the US Department of Education.

Executive Director Report

Bodor provided the report.

  • Commission Interagency Transfer Updates (DHS to DPH)
    • April 1st Executive Order filled for the move to IDPH. SB 0220 currently in House of Representative.
      • Bill Passed in House and Senate
      • Must be signed before July 1st to be effective
      • Office change coming soon
      • Changes to statutory make up of commission
      • Would like to appoint Beth Ford as a new commissioner. 6 or 7 other candidates as well
    • Senate Resolution 1002 and Senate Forum June 10, 2014
      • Resolution around changing volunteering infrastructure in Illinois; would lead to more resources from the state.
      • 15 Illinois senators sponsored the resolution (bipartisan)
    • Commissioner AmeriCorps Training and Commissioner Retreat

Committee Chair Reports

Strategic Planning

Still needing someone to step up in place of Al Goldfarb

Community Outreach and Public Relations

Providing materials and handouts for retreat.

Resource Development and Public Policy

No report

Volunteer Recognition

  • Great Volunteer Service Awards
  • 27 winners awarded
  • Talked about honorable mentions
  • There was a lot of good follow-up publicity on social networking sites

Chair Report

No Report

Staff Reports

AmeriCorps – Staff Overview ahead of AmeriCorps Discussion/Vote

  • IPHA has reduced their MSY by 2
  • Staff has recommended a 25 program portfolio. This is optimal for monitoring purposes
  • West Suburban PADS V. YMCA Rock River Valley
    • YMCA considered over PADS because it covers area outside of Chicago as opposed to PADS
    • If commission votes on 27 programs and PADS receive 12 MSY commission would have to reduce other grants to include them.

Budget Update

No report


Conference Updates


Recognition day 20 for the 20th

  • Cross country swearing in ceremony. Alumni will be re-sworn in.
  • Presentations of alumni who have gone on to do better things.
  • Programs can participate in their own service project through the week of September 8-14th, if not able to participate in Springfield. and Communications

Site traffic could be better
Adding Regional Commissioners page. Page will display their contact info and other commissioner who are within that area.

Old Business

Commission Guiding Principles, and Vote to Adopt

National Non-profits drafted this common framework. Many other state commissions have adopted these same principles. Ford motioned to adopt. Baden seconded. Motion passed via voice vote.

Regional Commissioner Retreat and Pilot

  • Time will be spent to go over how scoring system is determined
  • No official date set
  • Agenda will be set by the 15th of July
  • Send recommendation to Fred’s email
  • Pilot
    • Commissions have a consistent role in coordination of volunteer effort throughout Illinois
    • Partner with a program that will create something similar
    • Pilot would allow for call centers throughout state that will help coordinate volunteer needs
    • VCI is similar to what the outcome would look like but in more down state counties

New Business

AmeriCorps Discussion and Vote

Dixon motioned to accept staff recommendations of the 25 programs. Rosales seconded. Riddley called the question. Motion passed via voice vote.
Dixon motions that the remain $29,000 be allocated by the recommendations of staff. Witzel seconded. Motion approved via voice vote.

  • Educaiton Award Buyback
    • Bodor presented letter from Bill Basil
    • Programs are allowed to use expiring funds to buy MSY for their program.

Tubekis motioned to offer buyback to all programs providing they send a letter of intent by June 13th. Witzel seconded. Motion approved via voice vote.


Nettles adjourned the meeting at 3:35 pm