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Minutes - February 3, 2014

Location and Time

401 S. Clinton St (1st Fl)
Chicago, IL

823 E. Monroe
Springfield, IL

1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Commissioners Present

Fred Nettles, Chair; Beth Ford; Jenne Myers; Jill Heise; Andy Tousignant (City Year) Travell Williams (City Year); Kathy Engelken; Anne Schuman;; Meghan Hines (CNCS); John Hosteny; Barb Tubekis; Al Golfarb; Phil Dalmage (DHS);Dora Welker; Sarah Stapleton;Sara Monroe (CNCS); Don Baden; Amanda Guinn; Jeff Turnbull; Jane Angelis; Kathleen Blair; Julian Brown; Meri Dee; Nancy Jameson; Al Ridley; Stephen Silberman; Cynthia Sims; Heather Way

Commission Staff Present

Brandon Bodor, Executive Director; Kim Fornero, Bureau Chief; Scott McFarland, Deputy Director; Lisa Akers, AmeriCorps Program Manager; Sue Zellers, AmeriCorps Program Office; Karla Kunzeman, Volunteer Programs Manager; Mike Stehlin, Training Officer; Lanie Cooper, Graduate Intern; Courtney Abbott, Graduate Intern;Lilliane Webb, AmeriCorps member

Guests Present

Trevell Williams, City Year AmeriCorps Member; Andy Tousignant, City Year

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Nettles at 1:03 pm

Approval of Meeting Minutes

Brandon Bodor briefly discussed
 -Logistics of Recognition day
 -Regional commissioner
 -Motion to improve pilot
  -Receive updates today
Motion made by Anne Schuman to accept minutes; Beth Ford seconds motion. Approved via voice vote.

Executive Director Report

Bodor provided the report.

  • Highlight and Successes
  • Oct 8th - Annual Recognition day was success despite the government shutdown. Approximately 700 were in attendance and there was nothing but good feedback about the event.
  • Thanks were given to Mike Stehlin for his involvement.
  • Oct 25th – Team from Franklin Project
    • The team was involved in a day full of events.
    • Dinner was held that night in their honor.
    • Presence was well received by community.
  • Nov 11th–Hosted Bill Basel- Director of AmeriCorps
    • Partnered with Greater food Depository.
    • Set aside two members for the Veteran AmeriCorps.
  • Nov 17th tornado Relief
    • High community Response.
    • Children’s Home in Peoria still helping out disaster area.
  • Jan 18th
    • Visited Spencer Elementary Technology Academy for MLKJR Day
    • Thanks to Chicago Cares and Jenne Meyers

Chair Report

No Report

Corporation for National and Community Service Update

John Hosteny

  • Illinois ranked 27th among states for Volunteerism rates
    • 25th previous year
    • Plans to improve amongst percentages

Kathy Engelken

  • 24 VISTAs
    • Currently has VISTAs on 22 Illinois campuses
      • These VISTAs are working with campuses to support Student Veterans, providing dialogue to further help student workers.
      • Working on the April 15th statewide conference.
        • Met with Sen. Durbin about veteran work.

    Barbara Tubekis

    • Asked for definition of a student worker
      • Bodor and Engelken explained.
      • It was determined that statically veterans volunteer more frequently than other volunteers.


    Sarah Stapleton - 50th Anniversary of VISTA

    • Mary Starusser contacted Maria Shriver in regards to Shriver Corp. Shriver Corp is a program where VISTAs will be partnered with the LIFT Program.
    • 20 VISTAs working in 6 cities focused on volunteer management.
    • Shriver is to donate $100,000 to this initiative.


Megan Hines

  • Only one Mayor of Illinois has signed up for Mayor’s Day, compared to 832 in the previous year.
    • Hoping to recruit bring 60 Mayors to participate in Mayor’s Day

Committee Chair Reports

Strategic Planning (Mission: To develop the Commission’s 3-Year Strategic Plan, and continually assess the performance in relation to the Strategic Goals set forth)

Commissioner Survey

  • Lilliane Webb
    • Thank you to those who completed the survey.
    • Individual & Group feedback appreciated.
    • Will follow up with individual request.
    • Social media will offer more of the information staff and commissioners thought were missing.

Scorecard – “Illinois Service By the Numbers”

  • Working on Scorecard
  • Did SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats)

Community Outreach and Public Relations (Mission:To education communities on Commission resources, and encourage increased volunteerism through service campaigns)

New Outreach Materials

  • Jenne Meyers
    • Thanks to Lilliane and Lanie for their work on the new fact sheets
    • Wants Chicago Cares to become a bigger entity that helps CNCS promoting overall volunteerism though:
      • Campaigning
      • Marketing
    • Thinks staff should provide commissioners with more direction.
    • Chicago is 33 out of 50 cities of service.

Resource Development (Mission: To secure corporate and other non-public funding to support volunteerism, national service programs, and other Commission initiatives)

Foundation Update

  • Brandon Bodor
    • Paid fee to renew RD committee

Volunteer Recognition—Barb Tubekis

5th Annual Governor’s Awards Update

  • Tubekis, Cooper, and McFarland
    • January 31st deadline
    • Awaiting Results
    • Updated forms with Commission
    • 65 nominations as of the deadline
      • Extended deadline to Feb 14th
      • AmeriCorps and Senior Corp lacking in nominations
    • Chicago only significant area
    • 17 out of 30 nominations
    • Some award categories only one nominee
    • 186 nominations from the year before
    • April 28th
      • Commission meeting
      • Governor Awards
    • Merri Dee offered a solution of putting announcements in Church bulletins and storefronts.
    • Fred Nettles church database is a start for outreach
    • Discuss potential move to OCT Governor’s awards after 2014

Staff Reports


Program Showcase – City Year Chicago

  • Trevell Williams (2nd year volunteer City Year)
    • Served in West Englewood Harper High School
      • Helped freshman stay on track to graduation
  • Andy Tousignant (City Year)
    • Results
      • City Year is focused on:
        • Impact
        • Putting more focus on CPS
        • Investing more time in elementary schools that produce drop-out in high school.
    • Receives investment for the program from Mayor Emanuel, CNCS, and private corporate investors.
    -Q: When and who do you collaborate with?  Chicago Food Depository, Teach for America. Program Alumni usually participate in other programs as the ones listed. -Q: What are your Criteria for choosing your selected schools?  -The most challenged schools are chosen -Q: Safety  -Staff is always on hand for contact, when doing work for a program.  -EAP Partnership -Q: Can you share Results with students in the program.  -Objectives for previous program year were to raise 50 percent of student from failing to passing. Objective was achieved and exceeded by five percent (55%).  -Student surveys are given to see how student feel about their own achievement, while surveys were also given to teacher for their opinion of student’s academic growth. Q: What is being done for civic engagement?  -Five to six members are designated to recruit residents.

FY14 AmeriCorps Competitive Submission Update

  • Bodor
    • Past year 12 got submitted, while only 4 picked up.
    • 18 Programs submitted this year
      • Leave no veteran behind – Governor/Mayor Initiative

Budget Update

Proposed CY14 Commission Support Grant Budget


Lilliane Webb

  • Cities of Service
  • Mayor’s Day of Recognition for National Service



  • Policies& Procedures Manual
  • Mike Stehlin wrote manual (76 pg.)
  • In response to on board training, manual can be changed as necessary.
  • Next step is to create a manual for commissioner’s use.
  • PDF of manual will be uploaded online soon, future webinar possible. and Communications


  • Blog Launch
    • Serve Illinois revamped in January
      • Highlighting stories from members
  • Turing Group pro-bono assistance
    • Commissioner Loning provided pro bono assistance for updating the Serve Illinois database.

Old Business


  • Agency Move for Commission (DHS to DPH)
    • Executive Order will be signed by the Governor.
    • July 2014 commission will move to DPH
      • DHS has many more grants to look after as opposed to DHS.
    • No changes for Commissioners.
    • DHS housed Serve Illinois since 1998
    • Staff should talk to Labor Relations board.
      • Staff has the choice to stay with commission or leave when the move occurs in July.

New Business

Guiding Principles for State Commissions

  • Look at 1993 Act that established commissions
    • What should the relationship be?
  • Bodor proposed that this voted on in the next Commission meeting to give commissioners time to read the handout.

Disaster Recovery Lessons Learned (Turnbull) and Illinois Disaster Corps (Cooper)

  • Turnbull
    • See Tazewell county report for full details.
    • Talked about how the county was ill prepared for the tornado. First 48 hours were pure chaos.
    • RSVP from Eureka was present, ICC provided phone line help
    • Work still needs to be done in the county.
  • Cooper
  • Working with IEMA to form Disaster Corps
  • Modeling AmeriCorps St. Louis disaster response.
    • Wants to use Senior Corps members as leader for regional teams.
    • Hoping to train Senior Corps members based on IEMA specifications.
    • Hoping to simulate Disaster Corps responsein IEMA disaster simulation in June.


Nettles adjourned the meeting at 3:55pm