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Minutes - October 9, 2014

Location and Time

Starved Rock State Park
Utica, IL

9:00 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Commissioners Present

Jane Angelis, Donald Baden, Rob Bonesteel, Julian Brown, Nisan Chavkin, Laura Davis, Kathy Engleen, Chris Errera, Amanda Guinn, John Hosteny, Nancy Jameson, Sarah Mackay, Matt McCabe, Jenne Myers, Frederick Nettles, Robert Riddley, Anne Schuman, Cynthia Sims, Steve Silberman, Barbara Tubekis, Jeff Turnbull, Heather Way Kitzes. Jim Dixon, Kathy Blaire and Jennifer Witzel

Commission Staff Present

Scott McFarland, Sue Zellers, Kala Kunzeman, Mike Stehlin, Courtney Abbott, Jacob Nudelman

Guests Present

Jonathan Monken, Director, Illinois Emergency Management Agency; Sara Stapleton, Corporation for National and Community Service

Call to Order

Nettles called meeting to order at 9:00am

Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes/Leadership Retreat

Jameson motioned to approved. Myers seconded. Minutes approved via voice vote.

Leadership Retreat Review

Commissioners discussed thoughts on previous day's retreat. Riddley said getting to know teammates was the most important part. Hosteny called for action items to be acted on for the day. Nettles motioned for Ad Hoc possible transition committee Tubekis seconded the motion on the floor. Commissioners discussed the motion, Schuman calls to write a letter immediately after election. Meyers motioned got Ad Hoc possible transition committee to be formed under the commission, Angeles seconded this clarifying motion. Motion approved via voice vote.

Committees Discussion

Nettles spoke about changing the structure of committees. McFarland spoke of the details of committees in current form. Sims motioned to move agenda item 7 to 3, Anne seconded this motion, it was unanimously approved. Tubekis started discussion on volunteer recognition committee, April 20th Governors awards, asks commissioners to ask their areas for nominations to be judged March 2. March 20 winners decided. March 30 winners notified. Turnbull discussed the strategic planning committee and what they will do.

Corporation for National and Community Service Report

Hosteny discussed federal budget, said no program changes or budget changes in 2015. Hosteny discussed agency strategic plan; there are no changes since 2011. Hosteny discussed MLK day, Mayor’s day, employers of national service, SIF, Year of Volunteers, Operation AmeriCorps, EDGE and other future activities. Hosteny discussed the House in Order initiative; Serve Illinois must show they can manage the investment, infrastructure, monitoring.

Executive Director Report

Staff Updates

McFarland discussed future of commission meetings: less staff ran, and more commission ran. Gives a rundown of staff responsibility. McFarland informed about the future accountant, 2 more AmeriCorps staff and replacement of Kunzeman. McFarland discussed Serve Illinois Foundation which has thus far been stagnant. Explains the admin budget details to the commission.

Serve Illinois Foundation

Myers motioned to looking into changing the foundation's non-profit status. Schuman seconded. Motion approved via voice vote.

Serve Illinois Fiscal Report

McFarland explained printed budget including eliminated line items, 1% draw back from sub-grantees, and budgetary differences. Myers asked to cut the Points of Light line since Chicago Cares would be handling the initiative for the state. McFarland informed commission of grant timeline including request for applications responsibilities.

Chair Reports

Moved to "Committee Discussion"

Old Business

No old business.

New Business

Riddley discussed regional volunteer virtual exchange, developing at EIU. Guinn discussed university volunteer connections. Schuman discussed making Serve Illinois recognizable in regions. Each regional commissioners discussed their plans for their regions. Baden discusses idea to adopt AmeriCorps projects. Chavkin motioned that each commissioner joins Zellers on site visit, Marton seconded. The motion was tabled.

Guest Speaker IEMA Director Jonathan Monken

Director Monken discussed how Serve Illinois and the Illinois Emergency Management Agency can partner to support preparedness and response efforts.


Nettles adjourned the meeting at 12pm.