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Minutes - April 18, 2013
Location and Time
Illinois Community College Board, 2nd Floor
401 E Capitol Ave
Springfield, IL 62701
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Commissioners Present
Fred Nettles, Chair; Bob Dwyer, Jill Heise, Kathy Engelken, Lori Walls, Jeff Turnbull, Kathy Blair, Carrie L, Jane Angelis, Don Baden, John Hosteny, Al Riddley, Barb Tubekis, Barb Byrne, Mandy Guinn, Anne Schuman, Steve Silberman, Giraldo Rosales, Bob McCammon, Jim Dixon, Cynthia Sims, Merri Dee
Commission Staff Present
Brandon Bodor, Executive Director; Scott McFarland, Deputy Director; Lisa Fernandes, AmeriCorps Program Manager; Karla Kunzeman, Volunteer Programs Manager; Lois Barnhart, Inclusion Officer; Mike Stehlin, Training Officer; Lanie Cooper, Graduate Intern; Adam Weiner, Dunn Fellow
Guests Present
John Holton, Director Illinois Department on Aging; Pastor Tony Pierce, Generations Serving Generations; Melinda Lober, Generations Serving Generations; Lois Kosiba, Generations Serving Generations; Mark Doyle, Illinois Department of Human Services
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Nettles
Approval of Meeting Minutes
Nettles moved to approve minutes; Riddley 1st, Rosales 2nd. The minutes were approved.
Generations Serving Generations
Angelis introduced John Holton, Director Deptartment on Aging
The goal of Generations Serving Generations is to create partnerships to serve older generations. Director Holton said that Governor Quinn celebrates this kind of collaboration.
Executive Director Report
Bodor gave highlights of February meeting for Commissioners to approve minutes; echoed the importance of collaboration with other agencies like Aging, and the opportunity for the Commission and national service programs to support important initiatives like the ‘Rebalancing Plan’ (closure of developmental disability (DD) facilities across the state).
Chair Report
Nettles gave the report.
-Thank you Staff/Brandon
-Commission has statewide mandate
-currently mainly focused in Chicago area
-Proposed regional groups of Commissioners
-Five regions
-point person
-proposed this person be on Executive Board
-regional vision/strategy
-work with regional programs
Baden- Vice Chair
-Increase visibility of Volunteer Centers/Connectors in each region
-current focus is mainly AmeriCorps
-include AmeriCorps in development and sustainability of VCI
Concerns/Questions/Comments from Commissioners
-sustainability and maintenance would be much easier with help of AmeriCorps
-proposed Gov’s Service Award winners be recognized regionally as well
-great idea to start “grass roots” and build visibility in community/region
-not all AmeriCorps programs have the capacity to aid in VCI development/sustainability
Corporation for National and Community Service Update
-Bill Basl and AmeriCorps members (to include a Public Allies Chicago member), met recently with President Barack Obama to discuss the importance of National Service
-George HW Bush Fund
-1.2% increase in President’s budget for National Service
Committee Chair Reports
Strategic Planning
-Now that the Strategic Plan is approved, the next step is establishing metrics to assess our progress over next 3 years.
Community Outreach and Public Relations
-Cities of Service
-currently first in nation
-March Cities of Service meeting went really well
-Committee is seeking pro bono marketing support for marketing products that Commissioners/staff can distribute across the state.
Volunteer Recognition
-Governor’s Volunteer Service Awards
-Please attend to recognize award recipients
-Thank you to those who judged
-Thank you to Karla and Lanie
Staff Reports
Disability Inclusion
Barnhart introduced Mark Doyle to discuss the Rebalancing Initiative
- Brief on State Rebalancing Initiative
-Developmental Centers closing throughout state
-cause for more accommodations and attention to those displaced
-hopes to work with Commission to bring attention and collaboration to this issue
McFarland discussed the expected impacts of Sequestration (an updated budget will be discussed/approved in June meeting)
2013 School Turnaround (Commissioners voted to allow 4 applicants from Illinois apply via the Commission for this opportunity); next meeting will be the discussion/approval of our Formula portfolio once the Competitive results are released in June
National Conference on Volunteerism – the staff offered Commissioners that ability to attend and represent the Commission.
Completing the 2013-14 Program Director’s Manual for AmeriCorps
McFarland provided the website report.
Nettles adjourned the meeting at 12:00pm