Minutes - October 7, 2013
Location and Time
President Abraham Lincoln Hilton Doubletree Hotel and Conference Center
701 E Adams St
Springfield, IL 62701
1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Commissioners Present
Fred Nettles, Chair; Jane Angelis; Kathleen Blair; Robert Dwyer; Alvin Goldfarb; Amanda Guinn; Nancy Jameson; Dora Welker (for Koch); Howard Lathan; Bob McCammon; Hannah Porter; Joseph Rives; Anne Schuman; Stephen Silberman; Barbara Tubekis; Jeff Turnbull; Jennifer Witzel; Julian Brown; Beth Ford (for McCarthy); Al Riddley
Commission Staff Present
Brandon Bodor, Executive Director; Scott McFarland, Deputy Director; Lisa Akers, AmeriCorps Program Manager; Sue Zellers, AmeriCorps Program Office; Karla Kunzeman, Volunteer Programs Manager; Mike Stehlin, Training Officer; Lois Barnhart, Inclusion Officer; Lanie Cooper, Graduate Intern; Lilliane Webb, AmeriCorps member
Guests Present
Donovan Ervin, Teach for America
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Nettles
Approval of Meeting Minutes
Brandon Bodor gave brief overview of June meeting. Minutes were not on hand to approve—will approve at next meeting.
Executive Director Report
1) Federal Government Shutdown and how it will affect Serve Illinois 2) Two major initiatives a) Task Force i. VetSuccess—Belleville b) Franklin Project
Chair Report
1) Regional Commissioners a) More visible at regional conferences
Corporation for National and Community Service Update
No Report
Committee Chair Reports
Strategic Planning—Al Godfarb
-Budgeting for results—align strategic plan with Illinois budget objectives
Community Outreach and Public Relations—Lilliane Webb
-Cities of Service—29: 6 IL cities applied for grant money
-Summit of Hope Expos
Resource Development—Bob Dwyer
-How do we administer/support Foundation?
-Do we need a fiscal agent?
-Can we get training from a local non-profit?
Volunteer Recognition—Barb Tubekis
-All Commissioners will read applications for 2014 awards.
-Winners invited to regional conferences.
Staff Reports
AmeriCorps—Brandon Bodor
-Portfolio Update
-2014-17 RFP Process
Budget Update—Brandon Bodor
-Review and Feedback of Proposed 2014 Commission Support Grant
Volunteerism—Karla Kunzeman
-Regional Conference Update
-Volunteer Connector Organization" Vision
Training—Mike Stehlin
-Overview and Logistics for Recognition Day event, October 8
Serve.Illinois.gov—Scott McFarland
-Activity Update -Communications Updates
Disability Inclusion—Lois Barnhart
-Way Ahead with "Rebalancing Initiative" and Inclusion Team
Old Business
Regional Commissioner Plan - Discussion and Vote
Jameson motioned to approve the plan and Tubekis seconded. Plan approved via voice vote.
New Business
-Open Issues for Discussion
-Committee Breakout Time (Committee-dependant)
Nettles adjourned the meeting at 4:00pm