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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

Minutes - June 13, 2012

Location and Time

Illinois Department of Human Services
823 E Monroe
Springfield, IL
401 South Clinton
Chicago, IL

9 am to 11 am

Commissioners Present

Jill Heise, Chair; Jane Angelis; Julian Brown; Merri Dee; John Hosteny; Nancy Jameson; Howard Lathan; Mike Mangan; Fred Nettles; Fred Rodriguez; Barb Tubekis

Commission Staff Present

Brandon Bodor, Executive Director; Kim Fornero, Bureau Chief; Scott McFarland, Deputy Director; Lisa Fernandes, AmeriCorps Program Office; Lois Barnhart, Inclusion Officer; Mike Stehlin, Training Officer

Guests Present

Kendall Grant, Franciscan Outreach Association; Sara Monroe, CNCS

Call to Order

Heise called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m.

Approval of April 19, 2012 Meeting Minutes

Lathan motioned to approve, Mangan seconded the motion. Passed via voice vote.

Commission Chair Update

Heise introduced Brandon Bodor as the new Executive Director. She asked that all Commissioners take part in promoting the National Conference.

Executive Director Update

Bodor thanked everyone for the assistance during the transition. He hopes to move forward with the new strategic plan and plans to integrate that with a State Service Plan. The State Service Plan will be the external document while the strategic plan will serve as an internal for Commissioners and staff.

Heise asked Hosteny what the Corporation will be sending in terms of guidance for the State Service Plan. Hosteny said that the guidance will be available in the fall. He believes it will follow the Corporation's strategic plan closely. He recommends that the Commission moves forward as planned.

Corporation for National and Community Service Update

Hosteny gave the report. The Senate Labor, Health, and Human Services Committee has recommended to follow the President's budget request. This would equal a one percent increase from the previous fiscal year. The House has recommended zero funding.

The Corporation will be conducting Listening Sessions to determine the best course of action for future training and disability inclusion grant making. That information was distributed to all Commissioners.

Monroe provided information regarding a new VISTA program. Arab American Family Services will be working with veterans to support at risk students. More information will be shared at a later date.

Staff Reports

  1. Budget - McFarland gave the report. The Senate Labor Committee's recommendation would increase support for Commissions. Staff anticipates there will be a continuing resolution that will give level or minimally reduced funding for the foreseeable future.
  2. AmeriCorps - Fernandes provided the report. She presented information on the Competitive grant winners. The commission will be voting the Formula grant winners during a special meeting on June 21st at 2pm.
    Hosteny asked if programs that did not receive competitive awards would be considered for formula awards. Fernandes stated that all programs that RFP last fall will be eligible.
    Hosteny asked what was the ratio of full time to part time members. Fernandes will compile that information for the June 21st meeting.
    Mangan asked if we are keeping program type diversity in mind. I.E. education programs versus economic improvement programs. Bodor said that that type of diversity did not factor in the review scores, but it will be a priority moving forward.
  3. Volunteerism – McFarland gave the report. The East Central Volunteerism Conference took place in Mattoon on June 9th. It was well received. The next conference will be the Illinois Conference on Volunteer Administration (ICOVA) in Chicago on August 9th.
  4. Marketing – Bodor reported that he will be selecting an intern to work in the Governor's office. That intern will be supporting our social media campaigns.
    McFarland requested that any Commissioners that have newsletter stories for the fall newsletter send them to staff by the end of August.
  5. Training – Stehlin gave the report. He is working on a reusable training system that will be available online.
  6. Disability Inclusion – Barnhardt gave the report. The inclusion team has completed a guide to volunteering that will be presented at the National Conference. A more detail report was provided in the Commissioner's packets.
  7. Serve Illinois Website - McFarland reported that the Commission is renewing its contract for Network for Good. This will allow for the continued use of the volunteer search portal. Any organization that would like to use the search portal on their website can do so by contacting staff.

Old Business

National Conference - Bodor reported that Howard Lathan would be representing the Commission at the AL!VE event on Sunday night. The Governor is scheduled to attend the America's Service Commissions event on Sunday night. McFarland will be sending out a shift list for the Serve Illinois display at the Conference.

New Business

State Service Plan/Listening Sessions - McFarland will be scheduling Listen Session dates for August and September. Hosteny asked if virtual sessions can also be set. McFarland said that they would be.

Other Business

  1. Events Attended by Commissioners - Angelis announce a Generations Serving Generations meeting scheduled for June 25th. All Commissioners are welcome.
  2. Strategic Planning Discussion - Commissioners shared thoughts on what the goals and priorities should be for the Commission.


Angelis motioned to adjourn at 11:10 a.m.; Brown seconded. Passed via voice vote.

Next Meeting

June 21, 2012