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Minutes - February 23, 2012

Location and Time

Holiday Inn – Bolingbrook
205 Remington Blvd
Bolingbrook, IL

1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Commissioners Present

Jill Heise, Chair; Andrew Barbeau, Vice Chair; Jane Angelis; Lawrence Benito; Julian Brown; Jocelyn Cheng; Merri Dee; Kathy Engelken; Beth Ford (for Garry McCarthy); Greg Gates (for Arlan McClain); Alvin Goldfarb; John Hosteny; Nancy Jameson; Mike Mangan; Bob McCammon; Fred Nettles; Fred Rodriguez; Giraldo Rosales; Cynthia Sims; Barb Tubekis

Commission Staff Present

Kim Fornero, Bureau Chief; Scott McFarland, Deputy Director; Karla Kunzeman, Volunteer Programs Manager; Emily Fox, Graduate Intern; Lois Barnhart, Inclusion Officer; Mike Stehlin, Training Officer

Guests Present

Tom Branen, American Association of State Service Commissions (ASC); Chris Smith, Hands on Suburban Chicago; Lisa Horn, AmeriCorps VISTA

Call to Order and Introductions

The day began with a strategic planning session that was not part of the business meeting. It included a report from Tom Branen, Executive Director of American Association of State Service Commissions (ASC), and a planning session led by Chris Smith of HandsOn Suburban Chicago.

Heise called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m.

Approval of October 12, 2011 Meeting Minutes

McCammon motioned to approve, Barbeau seconded the motion. Passed via voice vote.

Commission Chair Update

Heise gave the report. She provided a brief update regarding the formation of a 501c3 foundation.

Old Business

Heise moved to have Old Business and New Business moved up on the agenda. Passed by consent.

  1. Budget Update - Fornero and McFarland gave the report. Due to the federal continuing resolution, the Administrative, Disability Inclusion, and Program Development and Training (PDAT) budgets were significantly reduced for 2012. Staff is in the process of amending budget requests to account for the change. It is anticipated that 2011 carry-over dollars will keep Admin and Disability budgets in line with the previous year, but PDAT will see a 50% reduction.
  2. 501c3 - Barbeau gave the report. He presented an outline plan for the creation of a 501c3 that would serve as a fundraising arm of the Commission. McCammon offered his organization as a fiscal agent. Brown stated that the Commission would need to have specific and measurable goals before large companies would be willing to donate money. Heise asked for a motion to move forward with the creation of the 501c3. McCammon motioned. Benito seconded. Passed via voice vote.
  3. National Conference - Heise gave the report. The National Conference on Volunteering and Service will be in Chicago on June 18 – 20, 2012. There will also be an ASC dinner the Sunday before the Conference. The host committee is working on fundraising as well as registration. More information concerning Commissioner attendance will be forth coming.

New Business

2012 Meeting Schedule - Heise presented the following dates for future meeting:
April 19, 2012 – Commission Meeting and Governor’s Volunteer Service Awards
June 13, 2012 – Commission Meeting
October 17, 2012 – Commission Meeting
October 18, 2012 – Recognition Day


  1. Governor’s Volunteer Service Awards - Tubekis gave the report. The nomination deadline has been extended until February 29th. She is looking for volunteer to help with the selection process. The awards will be given on April 19th at the Executive Mansion.
  2. Corporation for National and Community Service - Hosteny gave the report. The Corporation is operating under a continuing resolution. The President’s nominee to be CEO, Wendy Spence, is awaiting Senate confirmation.
  3. AmeriCorps*State - Fornero gave the report. A listing of those programs that were sent to the Competitive funding process was presented. The selection process will not be completed until May. Formula programs will be determined in June.
  4. AmeriCorps*VISTA - McFarland gave the report. After three years, the VISTA program was successfully completed. He thanked Hosteny and his Corporation staff for their support.
  5. LeaderCorps - McFarland gave the report. The LeaderCorps Members successfully helped with the coordination of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service. They are now working on plans for AmeriCorps Week in March.
  6. Volunteerism - Kunzeman gave the report. She is working with local leaders to support the five region conferences. They are:
    East Central Illinois Volunteerism Conference (ECIVC) – June 7, Mattoon
    Illinois Conference on Volunteer Administration (ICOVA) – August 9, Chicagov
    Northwest Illinois Volunteerism Conference (NWIVC) - TBD
    West Central Illinois Volunteerism Conference (WCIVC) – October 25, Macomb
    Southern Illinois Volunteerism Conference (SIVC) – November 1, Mt. Vernon
  7. Training - Stehlin gave the report. The programs completed a needs assessment that will help plan training programs for the upcoming year.
  8. Disability Inclusion - Barnhart gave the report. The Inclusion team now has representatives from all streams of service. They are completing a resource tool kit that will be presented at the National Conference.
  9. - McFarland gave the report. An updated site usage report of distributed.


Barbeau made a motion to adjourn at 4:05pm; McCammon seconded. Passed via voice vote.

Next Meeting

April 19, 2012