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Minutes - February 18, 2011
Location, Date, & Time
Holiday Inn Hotel – Bolingbrook
205 Remington Blvd
Bolingbrook, IL 60440
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
February 18, 2011
Commissioners Present
Jane Angelis, Andrew Barbeau, Julian Brown, Jocelyn Cheng, Merri Dee, Kathy Engelken, Alvin Goldfarb, Jill Heise, John Hosteny, Nancy Jameson, Michael Mangan, Bob McCammon, Arlan McClain, Fred Nettles, Fred Rodriguez, Giraldo Rosales, Cynthia Sims, John Sirek, Judy Swinson, Barb Tubekis, Steve Wolfe
Commission Staff Present
Kim Fornero, Elizabeth Solomon, Emily Ward, Lisa Fernandes, Scott McFarland, Lois Barnhart
Guests Present
Tiffany Lewis, Christine Smith
Call to Order and Introductions
Jameson called the meeting to order at 9:00am. She stated Lathan could not be present due to work matters.
Approval of Meeting Minutes
Tabled until April meeting via voice vote
CNCS Report
Hosteny passed out a handout showing fiscal year 2012 requests from the president. The House is currently debating House Bill #1 to eliminate CNCS funding. The President's proposal shows an increase for AmeriCorps and Senior Corps—and specific increased funding for the Foster Grandparent Program, social innovation fund, and volunteer generation fund. The Strategic Plan was also released last week; there was an emphasis on Veteran and Military affairs. The Corporation's budget expires March 4 due to the Continuing Resolution.
Old Business
New Business
The election of new Chairs: Each nominee received five minutes to speak. Nominations were already received for Barbeau, Heise, McCammon, and Sirek. Jameson called for nominations from the floor. Barbeau declined his nomination since he is nominated for vice chair and would prefer that position. Sirek declined his nomination due to his participation on a grantee's board.
Heise spoke first. She plans to increase marketing, continue working on the budget, work with Cities of Service (she said her familiarity with Chicago will be helpful.) She said she will talk to each Commissioner to find out their goals, and bring enthusiasm and commitment to the Commission.
McCammon spoke second. He said he and Barbeau plan to work as co-chairs if elected. McCammon has served the community since age 18 in various realms. He plans to continue to improve business practices, establish high standards for programs, and he will ensure the Commission is properly staffed.
Heise and McCammon left the room and Jameson invited comments or concerns from the floor. Heise and McCammon returned. A motion for secret ballots was made and seconded. Heise won a majority of the votes and was named Chair.
Jameson asked for nominations for vice chair from the floor. Barbeau had been nominated prior to the meeting. McCammon was nominated by Sirek but McCammon declined the nomination. Jameson asked for a motion to approve Barbeau as vice chair by acclamation. Motion approved.
Public Participation
Fornero introduced Amber Kirschoff from the Governor's office. She will be assisting with any efforts the Commissioners have regarding federal funding.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 am. The Commission then moved into a strategic planning session.